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The Little Campbell River Watershed is full of incredible life.  From its diverse estuary in Semiahmoo Bay, deep ravines through its mid-reaches, lush wetlands in Campbell Valley Park, and low gradient headwaters, the Little Campbell River supports several rich ecosystems.  Volunteers with the LCWS are proud of the work they have done to protect and enhance habitats in their watershed.


Interpretive Signage along the River

Little Campbell Watershed Society

Mailing Address:

c/o Brooksdale Environmental Centre

1620 192 Street Surrey, BC Canada V3Z 9V2

Phone: 604-546-0336    Fax: 604-534-6593

©2019 by Little Campbell Watershed Society. 

Important Numbers

Provincial Emergency Program 1-800-663-3456
Environment Canada 604-666-6100
Fisheries and Oceans 1-800-465-4336
Ministry of Environment 1-800-663-9453


or contact your local health authorities or fire department.

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