Endangered River
Our organization is committed to ensuring the sustainable development of the City of Surrey’s Campbell Heights development, formerly “Stokes Pit” and other properties in our watershed.
The Little Campbell Watershed needs to be saved! As home to countless numbers of wildlife, salmon and unique habitats the Little Campbell River is a jewel that must be preserved through sustainable developmental practices. Please check out our dream for the Little Campbell River.
Development affects fish and wildlife but it also affects human health. Residents around development sites that depend on well water are also concerned about the quality and quantity of their drinking water.
Most recent developments include air quality issues, a whole new aspect to our original mission based on our stream. Surrey Clean Air & Water Association is addressing air emissions from industrial polluters in the Campbell Heights Industrial Park.
Ready to Help?
Groups like the Friends of Hazelmere/Campbell Valley are working hard to petition the City of Surrey to ensure the future of our watershed and community.
Come to our meetings, they are all open to the public. Second Wednesday in February, April, June, September and November from 7-9 pm at the Semiahmoo Fish and Game Clubhouse (1284 184 Street, Surrey).
· Write letters to:
More Information
"Campbell Heights Biophysical Inventory Update and Conceptual Stream Corridor Design”, submitted to City of Surrey by Dillon Consulting Limited
“Campbell Heights Development Public Meeting” Power Point presentation
Campbell Height Local Area Plan Review, City of Surrey
Appeal of Air Quality Permit Planned, Surrey Now article
Galvanizing Plant Discussions, Surrey Now article
Concerns brought to Township of Langley, Langley Times article
LCR - 12th Most Endangered River in BC, Outdoor Recreation Council of BC Report, Endangered Rivers 2008 Supplement